An integrated system to train your mind.
Safe, simple and efficient.
It is a useful tool to enhance cognitive, social, communicative,
relational and emotional skills.
Intellica is designed for children, adults and the elderly

Intellica for:

Evolutionary age
It encourages curiosity
It enhances skills
It supports growing and cognitive development

Adults disability
It helps maintaining acquired skills
It encourages autonomy
It stimulates participation and involvement

Over 65 persons
It promotes active ageing
It preserves cognitive functions
It increases general well-being
We speak to
Single users
Day and residential facilities
Educational services
Sheltered housing
Private entities
Public entities
Intellica’s main benefits
Social skills improvement
it helps group dynamics and self-esteem
Psychophysical well-being
it reduces behavioral issues linked to age and/or pathologies and it strengthens awareness of the skills possessed
Skills improvement
it increases the level of attention and concentration

Acknowledgements and Partners
Intellica può vantare importanti collaborazioni, dal mondo accademico al Tech,
oltre ad aver ottenuto prestigiosi premi che ne certificano l’efficacia.

What they say about us
Marika, Coordinator at Centro diurno Tintori

Operators at Comunità di Capodarco di Fermo

Massimo, Intellica user at “Il Colibrì”, Centro Diurno Socio Educativo Riabilitativo

Laura, operator at “Il Colibrì”, Centro Diurno Socio Educativo Riabilitativo